Young Thug heeft een clip opgenomen vanuit de gevangenis. De video was te zien tijdens Hot 97’s Summer Jam op zondag.
In de video bedankte Thug zijn fans voor hun support in de RICO zaak tegen de Young Stoner Life gang.
“This is Thug. I just want to say thank you to all my friends and my family for coming out and supporting us,” begint Thug in de video. “You know, your support during this time means a lot to us, ya know.”
Thug vroeg de crowd bij het MetLife Stadium om het Protect Black Art intiatief te supporten. 300 Entertainment CEO Kevin Liles startte het initiatief om rappers te supporten die worden aangepakt vanwege hun artistieke vrijheden in songteksten.
“This practice isn’t just a violation of First Amendment protections for speech and creative expression,” schrijft Liles. “It punishes already marginalized communities and silences their stories of family, struggle, survival, and triumph. It is a racially targeted attack, and this shameful and un-American practice must end.”
Lyrics are a form of Artistic Expression. Black artists dont have that freedom. Protect Black Art‼️
Click the link below to sign petition ✍️
🔗 Click here to sign: https://t.co/LxRWFSIHcG#ProtectBlackArt #YoungStonerLifeRecords pic.twitter.com/kIyvjPGQh0— YOUNG STONER LIFE (@YoungStonerLife) June 13, 2022