Nicki Minaj gaat binnenkort weer weg bij Instagram. Ze is ontevreden over recente acties van het platform.
Instagram kondigde aan dat ze het aantal views bij sommige gebruikers weghalen om de likes-competitie te verlagen.
“I’m not posting on IG after this week cuz they removing the likes,” aldus Nicki. “Hmmmm what should I get into now? Think of all the time I’ll have with my new life.”
“What we’re hoping to do is depressurize Instagram a little bit, and make it a bit less of a competition,” zegt Instagram. Het platform start met deze feature in Amerika. “The idea is to try and reduce anxiety and social comparisons, specifically with an eye towards young people.”
I’m not posting on IG after this week cuz they removing the likes. Hmmmm what should I get into now? Think of all the time I’ll have with my new life
— Mrs. Petty (@NICKIMINAJ) November 9, 2019