Nas heeft in verschillende Instagram-posts gereageerd op de beschuldigingen van Kelis. Volgens Kelis zou Nas haar tijdens hun zes-jarige huwelijk mentaal en fysiek misbruikt hebben.
“It was dark. There was a lot of drinking. There was a lot of mental and physical abuse,” zei Kelis in april al. “God is so good because I probably would have stayed longer had I not been pregnant. I really did love him. We were married. We weren’t dating. This was my person…I did feel like he was my soulmate at the time.”
Nas reageert in een aantal Instagram-posts: “This is what your life has come to sis? Exploiting some people’s Real struggle and pain…just to get at me….to get attention? Fame? Another fight against men? We are a human family and we should be better examples for our son. Why is there even a issue for me to have time with my son. A son needs his father.”
Ook zegt hij dat hij juist degene is die is misbruikt en mishandeld. “After 10 years of keeping my silence during a decade of dealing with very hostile behavior and verbal abuse and even your stepfather holding you back from one of your physical violent Attacks on me right outside your house THIS YEAR while trying to pick up our son while he watched from the window, it was my weekend and you denied me that because your parents were in town. I just went home. This has been my life for my son’s entire life. Even our son wonders why you treat me the way you do?”
Bekijk de volldige ‘brief’ op Instagram.