In 2021 wijzigde Kanye West zijn naam officieel in ‘Ye’, maar tot nu toe lijken maar weinig mensen daar gehoor aan te geven.
Ook in de media wordt nog volop gesproken over ‘Kanye’ West. Kanye vindt dat mensen hem niet serieus nemen.
Zijn team stuurde vorige maand een brief, en die brief lekte dit weekend uit op internet. “Ye is one of the most recognizable people in the world, on par with presidents and popes,” lezen we in de brief. “He didn’t take the decision to change his name, potentially sacrificing some of the immense value captured by the brand ‘Kanye West,’ lightly. The change was made fully, legally, and permanently. This is who he is now. His name is Ye.”
Verder: “We are reaching out to streaming platforms, publishers, stores, unions, lyrics websites and data resellers. This change will happen everywhere. Your platform has been identified as one of the most visible places this change may occur, and we passionately hope you will be able to fully and properly reflect the new name and identity of such an enormously influential and historic figure.”
In de brief wordt de oproep gedaan om Kanye bij zijn echte naam te noemen.
— Hot Jamz Radio NL (@HotJamzNL) March 24, 2024