2Pac’s broer Mopreme Shakur zegt dat Diddy hem heeft gebeld om hem duidelijk te maken dat hij niet betrokken was bij de moord op de rapper.
In gesprek met The Art Of Dialogue vertelt Mopreme over het telefoontje. “The boy Puffy called me though,” zegt hij. “Puff called me back in the day. He was like, ‘I just want you to know I ain’t have nothing to do with your brother’s [murder]. I know who you are, but we never met and I just want to call you man to man and let you know that I ain’t have nothing to do with your brother’s death.'”
Volgens hem vond het gesprek plaats in begin jaren 2000. “L.A. Times had just dropped an article in the newspaper, implicating him as well. I told him I appreciate the call, but the truth has yet to come out, so we gon’ see.”
Mopreme zegt verder dat hij niet weet of Diddy erbij betrokken was. “He could’ve been trying to cover his ass or be sincere when he made the phone call. He may have not expressed it properly but that don’t mean he was wrong, ya dig? So we’ll see.”