De rechter heeft Tory’s verzoek om een nieuwe advocaat aan hem toe te wijzen afgewezen. Volgens de Canadese rapper maakt zijn huidige advocaat misbruik van hem.
Journalist Meghann Canniff was aanwezig in de rechtszaal, waar de rechter het verzoek op woensdag afwees. Tory wilde Matthew Barhoma vervangen door Renee Dixon.
“These guys are just taking advantage of Lanez,” zei Dixon voorafgaand tegen de journalist. “They’ve had him sign powers of attorneys. They’re acting on his behalf. … They’re not really asking him what he wants.”
De nieuwe advocaat wil naar eigen zegge wel het beste voor de rapper. “Merely because he is well known, the Sheriff has decided that Mr. Peterson is of such great threat that he must be confined in the same manner as those convicted of serial rape charges and murder.”
Tory Lanez is due in court today. He's got a new lawyer who wants to join his case. I talked to her last night.
"His eyes were black. He was totally despondent. He told me he wanted to go to state prison. I said, 'You want to go to state prison? Why?'"
— Meghann Cuniff (@meghanncuniff) July 12, 2023